December 26

The Second Coming of the Messiah

Jesus discusses the future and gives warnings to his followers in the ‘Olivet Discourse’:

The temple will be destroyed (Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD) and many difficult things are ahead in the world – “birth pangs” before the end.

Do not be deceived by false messiahs and prophets, even those that seem to perform miracles.

You will be persecuted for following and testifying about me, but do not worry about what to say because the Holy Spirit will speak through you. Trust and endure, and spread the good news!

Before the end, a great tribulation will occur. Be ready, for unexpectedly, the Son of Man will come on the clouds of heaven, and everyone who trusts in him will be saved.

Do not listen to people who say that they know when then end will come. Stay awake!

Regular & Late Start Plan

Proverbs 30:29-31

Mark 13

Daniel 9:24-27

Daniel 7:9-14

For further reading about the Olivet Discourse:

Matthew 24-25

Luke 21:5-36